Saturday, June 13, 2009

We Are Not Our Best Intentions. We Are What We Do

Whenever I present or exhibit my books, I meet a lot of interesting people. To me the most interesting folks are the ones who want to write a book. At one elementary school event, I was even approached by a police officer in full swat regalia (really scared me) who wanted to talk to me about writing a children's book. Most of these well-meaning people have the best of intentions. Many have family stories that have been passed down through several generations. A few have told me that they have a story inside "that needs to be told". I tell them the most important lesson I have learned in becoming a children's author - that there is only ONE step between having intentions and doing something.

So if you are a would-be writer, or a would-be anything for that matter, why not give it a try? What if it works and you never do it? You won't know how great it feels until you do.

Bobbie Hinman

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